Monday, October 13, 2008

Elliot Marroquin Interview

This is an interview I did with my good friend Elliot Marroquin. Elliot lives in a small town in California called Tehachapi. He also plays bass for a band called Anxiety Attack and sings for South Pole, if you have yet to check out either of them I recommend you doing so now. Anxiety Attack just finished up recording for a new 7”, which should be out before they leave to go on their winter tour with Hellbent and Amongst Wolves. Here you go:

1. How’s life? Anything new?

I just graduated high school a year early and my plan is just to chill, you know? Enjoy my 18th year of life with no worries, maybe get a job to get some cash, help out with the band but basically I just want to chill. But as for graduating early, I had cheated my way through High School by having my girl friend do all of my math and bamboozling all my teachers with lies. Haha fuck’em I’m out.

2. What’s going on with the band? Any new updates?

Well, as far as the band, Joe is still in school, which is even something us crazy assholes need to finish, so he is trying to get good grades but you know Joe man. And Kyle is just fucking chilling hard man, just doing whatever, no money (no fucking joke man), no job,
he just wants to play shows. Paul is working as skate patrol, fucked up job but whatever gets you the money. I’d do it. He is also playing in this football thing, shit seems cool it’s what he loves. I want to watch him play, oh and he is taking drum lessons shits cool. Bernie, my brother, is still working part time and wanting to just go play shows and just get out of town, and I am down as fuck with that. He can do anything like take time off cause he gets respect like crazy. I just don’t have money but if I did, fuck man, I would buy a new bass. But as a whole we have close to no good equipment and I know we have what it takes to go somewhere big. Well fuck it; you got to work with what you have. Oh and we just got done recording at Earth Capital with Alex for our new 7”, shit sounds cool.

3. Why don’t you share a few of your favorite stories of touring and let everyone know just how crazy you can get.

It’s funny cause me being "straight edge" a lot of people get surprised that I still get crazy, I just try to have as much fun as I can in all the situations I am put in, I just love having fun. And as for some shit I have done, I have not really pushed my limit of how crazy I can get, like for real, I will really fuck shit up haha. But yeah, I love to light big ass firecrackers and just throw them at anyone. I don’t give a fuck. Like on summer tour, I almost burnt down Sick And Tired’s van with that mortar or whatever that small big thing was called, the whole bench was on fire. I even throw bottle rockets at the driver, haha shit is funny.

Another time, we played a house show in San Carlos, so the kid who owned the house let us use the bathroom and when it was my turned I just losted it when I saw the toilet, it was one of those ones with the water the washes your asshole (a bidet) and it was my first time seeing one in person so I was like ok sweet lets use this, I was like a fat kid in a candy store. I didn’t know what to do so for some weird reason even I don’t know why myself, I pooped in a napkin on the floor, so when I did use the water for my asshole it was clean. So I had this shit in a napkin and I thought to myself lets have some fun with this. So I broke that shit in three pieces, I hid one on a shelf where the show was taking place, another in/on the mailbox outside, and the third piece I just had with me to throw and what not, I ended up losing it after throwing it in the circle pit. But it was funny cause everyone at the show was like, “What the fuck! Why does everywhere in this house smell like shit!”

I have one more story to share from summer tour with Sick and Tired,
well there have been countless times where I have shit myself, pissed myself, or there are days were I just do both. One night on tour me and my brother left to go get our tour tattoos and when we came back the next morning I see a giant “Sick and Tired” written on our bands van windshield in shit. There were already maggots and fly’s everywhere and our windows were down, it was fucking awesome. I guess we had it coming cause I was always throwing firecrackers and trash in their van. So that night What Life Is was throwing a show at their practice space, so I took a giant small shit on the bathroom floor (sorry Baker it was me) so I picked up this shit and put “AA” on Sick and Tired’s windshield then threw what was left over in their van. Right after that I stood on their van and pissed myself. As the show was getting shut down I was walking back to my van where I over heard some kid’s saying, "that kid was so drunk that he pissed himself on that silver van over there with all the shit on it" haha it was so funny.

If anyone wants to find out first hand how crazy I can get or any of us can get, come on tour with us!

4. Whats a few of your favorite movies and why?

Movies...movies ...movies I don’t know man whatever Bernie rents from blockbuster. Haha fuck Hollywood

5. List a few of the shittiest movies you've seen and why they were so shitty?

I am actually more of a T.V. series person, like heroes, the office,
My Name Is Earl, or Madison in the shower. Anything that is funny and sexy :)

6. Favorite word?

How to even explain this, I don’t think I can, but fuck it.
I can’t understand why it is considered a “bad word”, but my favorite word is fuck haha. Mainly because of all the different meanings, haha fuck.

Here are some tour dates for Anxiety Attack, try to make it out to as many of these as you can and hang out with my boy Elliot.

3 Day Tour With Badmouth
10/24/08 - Azusa, CA
10/25/08 - Ontario, CA
10/26/08 - Canoga Park, CA

Winter Tour 2008
12/27/08 - San Francisco, CA
12/28/08 - Sacramento, CA
12/29/08 - Portland, OR
12/30/08 - Boise, ID
12/31/08 - Twin Falls, ID
01/01/09 - Salt Lake City, UT
01/02/09 - Ceder City, UT
01/03/09 - Las Vegas, NV
01/04/09 - Riverside, CA
01/05/09 - Anaheim, CA
01/06/09 - Los Angeles, CA
01/07/09 - Santa Barbara, CA

1 comment:

Lisa said...
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